So, I needed a new desk. The track for the drawers on the first desk I had at Pleasant Valley fell apart. The second desk I had was sinking in the middle and coming apart in the front. I decided to look for a new-to-me desk at the thrift stores and yard sales. Bingo! My mom, maw-maw, and boys went to a yard sale at Golden Springs Baptist Church and found this desk.
It is almost solid wood. It took 4 men to put it on the back of the truck. My terrific father-in-law sprayed it black at his cabinet shop. Taylor and I painted the other colors on it at the shop. It took more than 4 men to get it in the elevator and to my classroom. I have received many compliments on it. These pictures do not do it justice. (I need Hollie to take my pictures.)
1 comment:
oh my goodness!!!! it is adorable. between the desk and your podium (sp?) wow sooo cute! good job paigey
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