Me and Rowan

Rowan fits perfectly on my sholder.
I could hold him there for days. He is so precious.
I hate being away from him. I want to be close to him, not only geographically, but I want to really know him.
I want him to beg to come see me.
I want him to cry when he leaves me.
I want to spoil him rotten.

Loving My New Painted Furniture

So, I needed a new desk. The track for the drawers on the first desk I had at Pleasant Valley fell apart. The second desk I had was sinking in the middle and coming apart in the front. I decided to look for a new-to-me desk at the thrift stores and yard sales. Bingo! My mom, maw-maw, and boys went to a yard sale at Golden Springs Baptist Church and found this desk.

It is almost solid wood. It took 4 men to put it on the back of the truck. My terrific father-in-law sprayed it black at his cabinet shop. Taylor and I painted the other colors on it at the shop. It took more than 4 men to get it in the elevator and to my classroom. I have received many compliments on it. These pictures do not do it justice. (I need Hollie to take my pictures.)

I want to order a vinyl cling of my monogram to put in the center.

Technology in Motion Workshop

Most of the faculty at Pleasant Valley High School are attending a interesting workshop on google docs and calendars, wikis, and blogs. I was the only one in this workshop to already have a blog, if that is what you would call it. I hardly ever post. I love looking at my sisters blog's and would love to be able to post daily.

My Nephew: Rowan Alan Singleton

Born July 20 at 8:09Pm
He weighed 7.4 pounds and was 20 inches long
Pictures do not do him justice
He is perfect
Words can not express how sweet he is

Rowan's Cute Curtain

This is a project that my Mom and I worked on today! Isn't it precious? Hope Hollie loves it!

Hollie took apart a crib skirt, and we transformed it into a custom made curtain for Rowan's window.

Food Dynamics Party 2008

Senior Girls: Tasha, Katie, Evonne, Krystal, Ashley, and Alyssa

Sean's pigging out on some wings

Guys in the red kitchen: Sean, Steven, Brody, Ragon, and Brandon

Krusty Krab Kitchen: Cole, Cameron, Kaitlynn, Ashley, and Emily

Pumpkin Carving Contest 2008

Carvings and Paintings

A woman was asked by a co-worker, “What is it like to be a Christian?” The co-worker replied, “It is like being a pumpkin. God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then he cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc., and then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.”


Krystal is busy creating a scrapbook with beads and sequins.

8th Grade Career Expo 2009

Arlarose and Morgan are learning
interesting facts about healthcare.

Cade's Cove???

Does this look like part of Cade's Cove to you?

Well it is more like Cade's back yard.

There were 7 deer and 25 geese behind our house yesterday around 5:00PM.

Good Intentions

Good intentions sometimes lead no where. Days go by. Things come up. Whether it is school related or not. My life is filled with things to do. I had every good intention to continue this blog. What happened? It's called . . . life.